I'm hooked on sharing sugary delights... I have two pages on facebook

For the whole wide world of English speakers out there, native and otherwise, I also have a Facebook page appropriately titled
top of the world cakes. Find me there, if you dare :)

And for those lucky few of you out there who understand Icelandic (I'm not joking there are only about 300.000 people in the whole Icelandic nation) I have an Icelandic Facebook page, just look for veislu kökur http://www.facebook.com/veislukokur

01 February, 2013

Developing the jam jar lunch

GOOOOD Morning
and in case I don't see you
good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

I've been packing the Jam Jar lunch regularly for some time now and have come up with some nice ideas to change it from time to time so that the kids don't get tired of it.
Sometimes I use blueberry-yogurt instead of the vanilla.
And I've recently started packing my own version of it in a much bigger jar, turns out it's quite good for grown ups too.

What I did was add some chunky fresh fruit to the jar after the yogurt like little bit's of
apples or bananas.

When that go old I did some raisin days :)
Then I turned to the good old granola.
But I didn't add it till later so that it wouldn't get soggy.

I'm thinking that some chocolate pieces might be next on the list for testing.

let me know in the comments below if you try this out or something like it :)

Here's a link to the original blog about these little jam jar delights.


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