I'm hooked on sharing sugary delights... I have two pages on facebook

For the whole wide world of English speakers out there, native and otherwise, I also have a Facebook page appropriately titled
top of the world cakes. Find me there, if you dare :)

And for those lucky few of you out there who understand Icelandic (I'm not joking there are only about 300.000 people in the whole Icelandic nation) I have an Icelandic Facebook page, just look for veislu kökur http://www.facebook.com/veislukokur

28 January, 2013

How to sprinkle Icing sugar

Tips, Hints and Help

Every now and then I will be adding little baking tips to the blog.
Hope you like it.

What to do when you want to sprinkle icing sugar on something but you don't want it to go all over the place?

If you find yourself in the position of having to decorate something delicately with a sprinkling of icing sugar here's what you can do:

Use a tea-strainer,
one of those small balls of wire-mash that you can put fresh tea leaves into and leave in the mug / cup to soak.
Just scoop some sugar into it and dust away.

I used it to decorate the individual vanilla pudding I served at Christmas.

You can find that recipe here too, look for 
Recipe Vanilla Pudding from scratch

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