I'm hooked on sharing sugary delights... I have two pages on facebook

For the whole wide world of English speakers out there, native and otherwise, I also have a Facebook page appropriately titled
top of the world cakes. Find me there, if you dare :)

And for those lucky few of you out there who understand Icelandic (I'm not joking there are only about 300.000 people in the whole Icelandic nation) I have an Icelandic Facebook page, just look for veislu kökur http://www.facebook.com/veislukokur

03 January, 2013

Gingerbread cookies.. or House... or Boot... or whatever

So I finally got round to writing this down for all y'all out there.
This recipe is actually really simple and easy to make and doesn't have to be cooled over night in a refrigerator like so many others.
No, You can use it while it's nice and warm.
That also means you can make nice cookies at short notice.
Great for impatient kids.

You will need.
100 gr butter
150 gr brown molasses sugar (the really dense dark brown stuff)
150 ml syrup
a sprinkling of ginger
3 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp baking soda
1 egg
5-600 gr flower

What you want to do with that is this:

Put the butter and the sugar and the syrup in a big pot and melt it thoroughly together... it needs to start boiling slightly.
You may want to keep the kids away from this part.
When it's nice and dangerous go ahead and take it off the heat and let it cool down so that it's a little less dangerous.
Add the spices and stir.
When it's cooled down a little bit more... add at least a third of the flower.
Now it should look like a really gooey brown, sweet smelling, sticky mess...
You've done good so far.
If you feel up to it try to kneed more flower into it...
If it's still too hot... give it a moment... it's been through a lot.
Ok now you should be able to dump it on a tabletop along with the rest of the flower, make a little nest in it and crack open the egg...
It's gonna wanna run, but you mix it up and squish it in.
Now you just keep kneading it until it's nice and smooth... shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Roll it out thin and go wild with the cooky cutters.

fire that oven up to 180 C.
Bake in oven for 10 - 15 min depending on the thickness of the dough.

Let them cool
Decorate if you must...
No I'm kidding... decorate them with Icing sugar and candy, they'll be great.

Good luck
Sweet times.

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