I'm hooked on sharing sugary delights... I have two pages on facebook

For the whole wide world of English speakers out there, native and otherwise, I also have a Facebook page appropriately titled
top of the world cakes. Find me there, if you dare :)

And for those lucky few of you out there who understand Icelandic (I'm not joking there are only about 300.000 people in the whole Icelandic nation) I have an Icelandic Facebook page, just look for veislu kökur http://www.facebook.com/veislukokur

03 December, 2012

Chocolate tree... chocolate trees... chocolate forrest.

I've just added a step by step guide of how to make a Chocolate tree in the Hints, Help and How to section... Try it out.
It's not even as messy as you would think... although I don't see why that should be a problem, chocolate is supposed to be good for your isn't it?

I pay particular attention to the temperature of the melted chocolate, it's best if it's around body temperature, that makes for an excellent excuse to "test" it regularly.

Let me know in how you get along... if you like what you see, or if you have any questions.

Chocolate fingers all around :)
Happy baking.

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