I'm hooked on sharing sugary delights... I have two pages on facebook

For the whole wide world of English speakers out there, native and otherwise, I also have a Facebook page appropriately titled
top of the world cakes. Find me there, if you dare :)

And for those lucky few of you out there who understand Icelandic (I'm not joking there are only about 300.000 people in the whole Icelandic nation) I have an Icelandic Facebook page, just look for veislu kökur http://www.facebook.com/veislukokur

07 December, 2012

Why only 24 hours in a day???

Now... Don't panic...

I'm almost done with the gingerbread shoe, it's currently looking like an abandoned tree trunk formerly inhabited by rodents with a sense of style, but we're getting there.

For those of you out there who have not tried baking gingerbread cookies from scratch... it's really not that difficult and it's actually quite entertaining, even kids can do it...
Word of warning here...
You have to keep an eye on them when they are stirring the molten hot sugar and syrup.
Other than that you're good.

But the thing about the dough is that when it's in the oven it turns soft... I'm not talking about it getting a little fluffy in the middle...
it's a Forrest Gump kind of runny...
in fact... it got so soft it flat out refused to stick to the mold (yes I know I get a little carried away at times... and this time I made a custom gingerbread shoe mold)
Not to worry...
That's why they call them experiments.
And the difference between messing about and performing serious experiments is to write it down. I heard you should keep a log of what goes wrong and how you can fix it.
That's what this is.

I had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to fit it into the oven, it's only a standard oven and we are talking about a boot that would have made Andre the giant feel small.
Eventually I had to settle for baking it in two main pieces, which means I have to cover up the fault-lines in the crust but that's what icing is for anyway.

I don't think I'll scare you with pictures of the actual wreck
but the accessories are looking kinda nice..

 Let your imagination do the work... try to figure out what all this is and how it fits onto a fairy tale boot turned house.
I'll give you a hint...
it all goes on the outside :) 

In other news...
A nice and easy way to decorate gingerbread cookies or houses, if you are so inclined will be added to the pages here on the left a little bit later.

Meanwhile - keep the butter at room temperature.

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